unoNew York. - Mit 134,8 Milliarden US-Dollar hat die "Entwicklungshilfe" im Jahr 2013 einen neuen Rekordstand erreicht. Doch die Zuwendungen und verbilligten Kredite gehen immer weniger an die ärmsten Länder der Welt (Least Developed Countries, LDC), wo die Umsetzung der Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele der Vereinten Nationen am nötigsten wäre. Das geht aus dem Millennium Development Goals Report 2014 hervor, der jetzt von der UNO veröffentlicht wurde.

entwicklungshilfe 2013 mdg-rep 2013 550
Quelle: UNO

Im Bericht der UNO heißt es wörtlich:

"After two years of declines, official development assistance hit a record high of $134.8 billion in 2013. However, aid shifted away from the poorest countries where attainment of the MDGs often lags the most. Eighty per cent of imports from developing countries entered developed countries duty-free, and tariffs remained at an all-time low. The debt burden of developing countries remained stable at about 3 per cent of export revenue, which was a near 75 per cent drop since 2000.

Despite considerable advancements in recent years, the report says reliable statistics for monitoring development remain inadequate in many countries, but better statistical reporting on the MDGs has led to real results. For example, the number of Member States submitting progress reports on HIV/AIDS increased from 102 in 2004 to 186 in 2012. This helped galvanise global efforts. Funding for HIV programmes more than tripled compared to 2004, and 9.5 million people living with HIV were accessing antiretroviral treatment in 2012.

The Millennium Development Goals Report, an annual assessment of global and regional progress towards the Goals, reflects the most comprehensive, up-to-date data compiled by over 28 UN and international agencies and is produced by the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. A complete set of the data used to prepare the report is available at" 


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