Recent outbreaks of Zika in the Americas, and Ebola in West Africa have exposed vulnerabilities in the global health system. West Africa often presents a particular challenge, with its growing population, often poor infrastructure, and vulnerable health systems. This leads to increasingly visible dangers which can no longer be ignored by Europe due to its geographical vicinity and growing exchange of people and goods with the African continent.
In order to facilitate a productive exchange on the topic, we are pleased to invite you to an interactive and involving discussion that is, among others, to address these questions:
19h00 Welcome by Geerd-Dietger Hoffmann, eHealth Africa
19h05 Panel discussion moderated by Julius Murke, Young Leaders for Health
19h40 Interactive group discussions with the audience
20h15 Drinks and snacks
For questions, please refer to Natalya Nepomnyashcha (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!).
Facebook event can be found here.