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Migration and Development Issues and Policies in International Comparison
Tuesday, 17. May 2016, 18:00 - 20:00
Hits : 2231

ÖFSE Development Lecture No. 10

Keynote: Malin Frankenhaeuser (International Centre for Migration Policy Development - ICMPD)

Comments: Petra Dannecker (Department of Development Studies, Univ. Vienna) and Ilker Ataç (Department of Political Science, University of Vienna and VIDC)

The keynote presentation will provide an overview of recent European approaches to address the migration-development nexus as a separate policy field against the backdrop of key EU and UN milestones shaping the conceptualisation of the nexus and paving the road ahead. Migration and Development policy approaches over the last ten years will be explained to illustrate the global and European evolution of the concept as well as the volatility of a new policy field in the making placed in the nexus between migration and development policies, between internal and external state interests. The comments and discussion will try to come up with tentative conclusions as to the lessons learned for the design of an Austrian policy on “migration and development”.

Conveners: ÖFSE – Austrian Foundation for Development Research in cooperation with Society for International Development


Location C3 - Centrum für Internationale Entwicklung, Wien
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