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World Food Convention
Thursday, 22. June 2017
Hits : 2302

Between Hunger and Abundance – What will we be eating in the future?


Seven billion people currently live on Earth, and the distribution of resources could not be more unequal. While some allow themselves to throw away food, others must survive with very little. While some suffer from malnutrition, others struggle with obesity. No matter where one looks, balance is nowhere to be found. Yet, it takes balance to live a truly healthy life – in rich and poor nations alike. With nine billion mouths to feed by 2050, this balance is even more essential: Agriculture and livestock farmers need to increase their yield by 60 percent and simultaneously preserve the diversity of species, protect water, soil and forest resources for generations to come. How can this possibly be accomplished?

Discuss with us and 500 decision makers from politics, industry, diplomacy, NGOs as well as science and academia the most burning issues of global food production and distribution at the Tagesspiegel World Food Convention in Berlin on 22 June 2017:

Will agriculture become more ecological or more efficient? Will it define its markets globally or locally? How will it deal with new breeding methods and technologies? Where must the state intervene? Must we give up meat? From where will the feed of the farm animals come? Will we need to raise the price of food in the first world to increase its value?


The conference will be held in English. Simultaneous interpretation into German will be provided.

Participation is open for all, but places are limited.

Location Bolle Säle Alt-Moabit 98 10559 Berlin
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