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Decision Making in Public Health
From Monday, 9. April 2018
To Friday, 13. April 2018
Hits : 1613
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Evidence, Politics or Diplomacy

Die Teilnehmenden erfahren, wie Entscheidungen im Bereich Public Health sinnvoll auf Basis bestätigter Fakten getroffen werden. Das Einbeziehen von Gemeinden und anderen Akteuren in Entscheidungsprozesse wird diskutiert. Zudem wird die Einbettung ins politische und diplomatische Gefüge aufgezeigt. 

This course aims to provide participants with the necessary tools to develop and to successfully implement evidence-informed decisions in health.

First, participants learn to provide evidence for their own managerial decision-making, but also for communicating and translating such evidence into the process of changing and improving policy and practice. Second, with case studies other approaches of decision-making in health, such as political or diplomacy-driven approaches will be identified.Third, strategies for ensuring the use of evidence-informed decisions will be discussed, with a focus on methods and tools that increase evidence relevance for practice (e.g. involving decision-makers and communities).


General admittance: EUR 750,-
troEd students: EUR 500,-


Location Institute for Public Health Heidelberg
Anne-Kathrin Fabricius, M.A.
Assistant Short Courses Coordinator
Institute of Public Health, University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 365, D-69120 Heidelberg
Fon: + 49 - (0) 62 21 - 56 43 12
Fax: + 49 - (0) 62 21 - 56 49 18
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