Addis Abeba (epo). - Mindestens 22 Menschen sind nach Angaben von Krankenhäusern am Mittwoch in der äthopischen Hauptstadt Addis Abeba getötet worden, als Polizisten in eine Gruppe von demonstrierenden Jugendlichen schossen. Die Studenten und Schüler hätten die Polizei zuvor mit Steinen beworfen, berichteten Augenzeugen. Mehrere Hundert Menschen sollen verletzt worden sein. Die Proteste, die bereits den dritten Tag in Folge andauern, richten sich gegen die Regierungspartei EPRDF, die sich bereits zur Siegerin bei den Parlamentswahlen vom 15. Mai erklärt hat. Offiziell soll das Wahlergebnis am 8. Juli bekannt gegeben werden. Die Opposition wirft der Regierung Wahlmanipulationen vor.
Die meisten Verletzten erlitten nach Angaben des medizinischen Personals zum Teil schwere Schusswunden an Beinen und Armen. Westliche Diplomaten rechnen mit weiteren Opfern. Informationsminister Bereket Simon sagte nach Agenturberichten, die Demonstranten hätten Busse zerstört, Autos beschädigt und Geschäfte und Bankfilialen angegriffen. Der Regierungssprecher beschuldigte die oppositionelle Koalition für Einheit und Demokratie (CUD), die Proteste ausgelöst zu haben. Ein CUD-Sprecher sagte, seine Partei habe nicht zu den Demonstrationen aufgerufen.
Presseberichten zufolge haben sich am Mittwoch auch Taxifahrer und Ladeninhaber den Protesten gegen die Regierung angeschlossen. Ministerpräsident Meles Zenawi hatte nach der Parlamentswahl am 15. Mai die Kontrolle über die Polizei selbst übernommen und jegliche Demonstrationen verboten. Während die Opposition der EPRDF Wahlbetrug vorwirft, sprachen internationale Beobachter von vergleichsweise fairen Wahlen.
Die Behauptung der CUD, sie werde von der Regierung fälschlicherweise beschuldigt, die Unruhen ausgelöst zu haben, werden von Beobachtungen eines Augenzeugen gestützt, die Entwicklungspolitik Online per E-Mail aus Addis Abeba erreichten. Wir dokumentieren die Nachricht im Wortlaut:
Addis Abeba, 8 June, 2005, 12:16 p.m. local time
"Dear Friend.
Still the shooting and killing by the security force continued. As I told you this morning some 8 people were killed in MERKATO area and now I got the information that some 20 people were killed around GULELE area in the western side of Addis Ababa. All taxies in the city are on strike and the government announced that unless they start work immediately, the necessary action will be taken on them. All shops are closed and those who opened their shops were attacked by those who support the strike. The strike was not called by the opposition parties and we have no information who organized it. A lot of individual cars and buses are being attacked. Right now my wife who works at the hospital says there are not enough staff to assist the patients there and I am trapped at my office because I have to pick her up later if she gets a replacement.
The casualties are increasing around GULELE area where the Pasteur Institute is located and currently I don't have full details due to the network problems of mobile phones.
I will repeat again that the opposition parties did not call this strike in Addis Ababa but the government is accusing the main opposition party the CUD for all the crisis happening in the country. The ruling party is looking for a pretext or a reason to put the opposition party leaders into prison and I will not be surprised if the CUD leaders are locked up in jail or they are killed. I think the EPRDF is fabricating a new lie how to avoid these intellectuals who were organized under the CUD. Honestly speaking these people are experienced economists, lawyers, engineers, etc. who have good vision for this poorest country in the world and their only weapon is their pen and the support from the Ethiopian people.
The Ethiopian people are tired of dictators and we will keep on sacrificing our lives for a true democratic change and sooner or later the dictators will disappear and democratic Ethiopia will flourish. But for the time being these dictators will keep on killing the innocent defenseless people who are shouting for their vote that was stolen by EPRDF.
The world has to know that the ruling party have stolen the peoples vote and nobody should be fooled by what they are saying. You have to say a thief is a "thief" and those who cooperate and support a thief are only thieves. I know we expect nothing from the big countries who call themselves the world leaders because they are the one who are helping and organizing these merciless dictators. But for sure justice will be done and the blood of the innocents will be judged one day.
Thanks and if I reach to my home safely, I will keep on updating you.
At least cry with us."