Landschaft in ?thiopien. Foto: epo ArchivAddis Abeba (epo). - Die staatliche Wahlkommission in Äthiopien hat Unregelmässigkeiten in einigen Wahlkreisen bei der Parlamentswahl vom 15. Mai eingeräumt und Wahlwiederholungen nicht ausgeschlossen. Aufgrund laufender Untersuchungen in diesen Wahlkreisen sei es unwahrscheinlich, dass das Wahlergebnis wie geplant am 8. Juli veröffentlicht werden könne, sagte ein Sprecher der Kommission der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters.

Die Opposition hatte der Regierung nach der Parlamentswahl Wahlmanipulationen vorgeworfen. Bei Protesten gegen die Regierung waren Anfang Juni mindestens 36 Menschen von Polizeikräften getötet worden, Hunderte wurden verletzt. Tausende der vorwiegend jungen Demonstranten wurden in Lagern abseits der Hauptstadt Addis Abeba eingesperrt.

Ein Augenzeugenbericht aus Addis, der epo per E-Mail erreichte, schildert die aktuelle Lage aus der Sicht der Opposition:

Addis Ababa, Wed, 29 Jun 2005 04:45

Hi my friend, things are not good here.

The Dictators are still playing their old game. More than 2000 prisoners were released from the Ziway prison camp but still there are hundreds of prisoners there. Some of them are being hidden in secret cells where visitors are not allowed.

The security forces are doing the worst crime on the detainees like shaving the heads of prisoners with a shared razorblade. Nobody knows how many of prisoners are going to be infected with HIV/AIDS. All of them are at risk of getting malaria, as they have no protection. There are detainees who are diabetic and these people are suffering a lot without proper medication. We have heard from inside source that more than eight prisoners died in the camp due to beating and torturing.

The revenge is very severe on the opposition party members and supporters. The TPLF security forces had established a new Nazi-like camp in the north of the country in Wollo region, in a place called "DONKORO CHAKA" (it means "deaf bush"). That is where most of the opposition party members and supporters are being tortured. It is completely forbidden to approach this torturing camp and the area is full of malaria.

The security forces are deliberately establishing prison camps in malaria-affected areas in order to expose the victims to the disease (malaria is epidemic in most parts of the country and it is almost equivalent to HIV/AIDS in killing people in Ethiopia).

Practically, most of the military camps in the remote areas have been turned into temporary prison camps, for example the HURSO military camp in Harerge region. That is where Alemaya University students are detained. BILATEN military camp near the Kenyan border is where students from DEBUB university detained and there are a lot of torturing camps throughout the rest of the country. They are good places to isolate and torture those who are suspected as supporters or members of the opposition parties, particularly of the CUD and UEDF.

The problem for the TPLF leaders now is how they are going to put the 70 million Ethiopian people in isolation camps without having to declare the whole country a concentration camp.

Landschaft in ?thiopien. Foto: epo Archiv

The so-called "Election Result" may not be released on July 8, 2005 as planned due to the investigation process. I suspect our "dear PM" will then appear on TV and will give us another month of voicing any democratic opinion or to demonstrate for our rights.

In the meantime the beast will have enough time to crush down all opposition party leaders and members. Also what the TPLF leaders are doing right now is manufacturing a fake opposition party that they can manipulate like a doll. Please do not be fooled that the ruling party is going to share power with the opposition parties in the coming new government. Only the fools who do not know the behaviour of the beast might expect power sharing. Maybe they will allow the opposition parties a few more seats in parliament. This they will try to sell as an example of democracy, hoping to fool the donor countries.  But believe me the TPLF-EPRDF will continue their revenge on us in full force, so as to avoid the strong opposition parties from emerging in Ethiopia.

From what we are witnessing here, the TPLF leaders are directing the country towards civil war. That will bring a lot of bloodshed. These monsters have probably accumulated hundreds of millions USD in foreign banks and they think they can run away easily after the have ruined and killed the country. Tell me what is the difference between Mugabe and Meles?

[Foto: epo Archiv]

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