Our sources in Ethiopia continue to voice grave concerns over the continued dispute over the May 15 election results. A diplomatic source has added to these woes, indicting that "all signs are, that there is worse to come. We are now witnessing what may very well be the start of the end game. Hard times lie ahead for Ethiopia and we will also see the true face of the international community." The beleaguered President Meles Zenawi is clearly aware of is increasingly untenable position on the international stage. He has felt obliged to directly responding to a June 20 letter from US Congress Committee of International Relations (chaired by Henry J. Hyde), in which concern is expressed over the recent Government induced violence and the subsequent crack down on political dissent.
In keeping with his usual charming of the international community by wearing a mask fo democracy, Meles felt obliged to address the US congress members as "Your Honourables", pleading with them that "Ethiopia needs all the friends it can have, and the U.S. is clearly a vital friend to us. It therefore goes without saying that we need (your) support and understanding". The US is of course only marginally interested in a truly democratic Ethiopia: their priority, as only all too often before in other times and places, is to keep their military and spy operatives located in the country.
On July 8th the Ethiopian National Election Board did announce some preliminary results and a complete and final tally of the vote has yet to be made, if at all possible after the reported degree of vote rigging and pre-election intimidation through the country. The BBC has reported the results of the 307 seats so far confirmed as follows:
EPRDF: 139
CUD: 93
UEDF: 42
Others: 33
These figures are rather close to what epo?s local sources have just reported. A number game has now started and if democracy is cheated out of this game, indeed it seems that our diplomatic source will be right and we are now seeing the "start of the end game" for peace, justice and democracy in Ethiopia.
It seems that within the Zenawi regime there is disagreement over the best course of action to take. Africa confidential reported on June 24 that "Some EPRDF leaders want a more open political system but the hard line tendency is epitomized by Information Minister and government spokesman Bereket Simon, who lost his seat but not his job (in the election). .EPRDF?s strongest internal disagreements over how to proceed are thought to be within its strongest component, the TPLF."
How these disagreements play out, is anyone?s guess at this time, but it is safe that much will depend on how the regime succeeds in manipulating the ongoing numbers game
Addis Ababa, 9 Jul 2005 04:39
Hello dear friend. Here is some new information on political events here.
"Partial Result" from TPLF?s "Election Board" (National Election Board as they call it) were announced yesterday evening (July 8, 2005) by all TPLF-owned mass media throughout the country. The NEB (most members of which are close to the TPLF) told us that out of the 307 parliamentary seats, 156 (the lion share) goes to TPLF-EPRDF and the remaining 151 are divided to more than ten parties (CUD around 90 and EUDF about 40). The main opposition parties CUD and EUDF obtained around 130 parliamentary seats out of the 307 confirmed results. The May 15th election was for 524 parliamentary seats (this does not include the 23 seats for Somali region where the election will be carried out in August) and the results for the remaining 207 seats will not be disclosed until the investigation is completed.
If we make a quick calculation for the remaining 207 seats, the NEB rejected the complaints of the opposition parties on more than 166 seats out of the 299. Only for some 133 seats were investigated to start with and as you see the balance (207 - 133 = 74) is reserved for TPLF-EPRDF. Out of the 133 seats, 45 of them are presented by TPLF-EPRDF for investigation (the ruling party also complained that the opposition parties cheated or stole votes in more than 45 parliamentary seats, another one of their fabricated lies) and who knows, the NEB may approve some 20 seats for their master. Out of the remaining 88 seats the NEB will add some 35 seats to TPLF-EPRDF (156 + 74 + 20 +35 = 285). TPLF will not waste any time to wait for the results from the Somali region and will; be swift to declare themselves the winners of the election. The total number of parliamentary seats is 547 and any party that obtains above 273 will establish its government: just as in the previous two fake elections when the TPLF-EPRDF obtained more than 535 seats in its fake parliament. TPLF is trying to repeat the same election drama that was written, produced and directed by Meles Zenawi for the third time (this guy is TPLF chairman for the past 25 years, EPRDF chairman for 14 years, four years as president of Ethiopia and ten years Ethiopian prime minister and still trying to rule for the coming five years).
Some of the techniques applied by TPLF leaders to stay in power are:
1. They always claim credit for throwing out the previous military regime, saying htat alone is why they deserve to stay in power as long as they want to.
2. They always try to convince the donor countries that they are democratically elected leaders by putting on a "mask of democracy".
3. They fabricate and manufacture (cloning?) ethnically based parties and assign fake regional presidents in the name of federalism.
4. They systematically try to discourage anyone who strongly opposes them, either individuals or parties, by arresting and killing or by scaring them to leave the country.
5. They select individuals who are self-centred, greedy and selfish and give them fake authoritative titles to make it look like there is self-administration in the country (honestly speaking 99% of regional presidents do not think with their own brain, they are controlled by TPLF cadres and they can?t make any decision on their own). TPLF leaders are smart enough to recruit "human robots" who live only to fill their greedy stomachs that are never satisfied (members of the NEB, EPRDF ministers, regional presidents, etc. are good examples).
6. They always try to show that the parliament is the major decision maker in the country, but practically the parliament (the House of Representatives as they call it) is controlled by TPLF and 98% of the seats are controlled in the name of EPRDF members who are there to raise there hands without asking any questions (here we call the seats in the parliament beds, because most of the members are sleeping until voting is required).
7. They keep on fabricating lies and propagate these continuously and repeatedly, by using the mass media to brainwash the people (anybody who wants to see Goebbels the second, may come to visit TPLF?s Information Minister). If there is a Noble Prize award in fabricating lies, then our Information Minister will be the "land slide" winner for his contribution of "effective" lies to the world, especially in the past six months.
To conclude, Ethiopia's future is in the hands of the people themselves and nobody knows what will happen next. But for sure justice will be done and the criminals clinging on to power will have to pay for their crimes. Maybe they will get the chance to reside themselves in the many prisons and camps they have set up for the Ethiopian people. Under a new and democratic Ethiopia, at least they need not fear the torture as we do now.