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Berlin: Yash Tandon- The Aid Lie Reloaded! A thorough critique of the Post-2015 Development Agenda and current power and trade relations
Friday, 25. September 2015, 19:00 - 21:00
Hits : 2487

Famous development critic and economist Yash Tandon will offer a broader critical review of the whole Post-2015 „development“ process and the parallel transformation of trade relations into an instrument of war. He will show why his statement that the Global South is developing the Global North will remain true even when the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) will be replaced by a new development agenda and the "Sustainable Development Goals".

What is going wrong when it comes to global capital flows and developing financing and development policy processes, especially with regard to aid dependency and development cooperation more generally?

Why does it not suffice to simply transform current development co-operation as the post 2015 agenda and ever new discussions on aid effectiveness suggest? In how far are we dealing with a systemic problem and what does this imply? Which additional factors are significant when trying to eradicate the real causes of poverty, food insecurity, etc.? What is behind the statement that the Global South is developing the Global North (especially with regard to debt servicing, international institutions, capital outflows i.e. in the form of tax evasion by multinationals and exports of unprocessed resources)? Which interests are evident in the results of the last financing for development conference (Addis Ababa Action Agenda), especially with regard to the futile demands of the G77 for other rules like an international tax commission, and the current negotiations on the post-2015 agenda? Is the current form of ODA still relevant – or should it be democratised, radically reformed or even completely abolished and replaced e.g. by compensation funds for (neo-)colonial destruction (keyword reparations) and negative climate impacts for the Global South? 

Yash Tandon is the author of numerous books and an Honorary Professor at Warwick and London Middlesex Universities in the UK. He is the Founder-Chairman of SEATINI (Southern and Eastern African Trade Information and Negotiations Institute), and former Executive Director of the South Centre, a think tank of the Global South.

The dialogue forum is part of the project "Post 2015 – Everything better? African Perspectives on Global Challenges!", organized by AfricAvenir e.V. in 2014/2015.

In cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation and with the friendly support of the Landesstelle für Entwicklungszusammenarbeit and Engagement Global.

Location Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Franz-Mehring-Platz 1 10243 Berlin
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