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Consultancy Skills in International Cooperation in Health
From Monday, 5. March 2018
To Friday, 16. March 2018
Hits : 3069
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Die Teilnehmenden des Kurses lernen Gesundheitsprojekte sowie Gesundheitseinrichtungen zu evaluieren. Die notwendigen methodischen Ansätze werden anhand eines praktischen Beispiels eingeübt und ein sprachlich effektiver Evaluationsbericht wird exemplarisch verfasst.

The course provides practical knowledge and experience in evaluation, essential consultancy skills, the do’s and don’ts of working in the international arena, and much more to allow you to strengthen your consulting skills.  

The Institute's faculty staff with extensive consulting experience are joined by external experts to facilitate this course. 

The overall objective of this course is to enable health professionals and managers to understand and apply the concepts and principles of evaluation when evaluating facilities, projects and programmes in the health sector and to improve their personal and technical skills in evaluation and consultancy. 

The course includes the following topics:

  • An Overview of Evaluation in International Health
  • Health Systems & Health Sector Reform: current concepts and terms
  • Evaluation in the Health Sector: Principles, Methods, Techniques and Tools
  • Planning and conducting an evaluation
  • Effective Writing Techniques
  • Critical review of Evaluation reports
  • The Consultant: Expectations and Experiences


General admittance: EUR 1.500,-
troEd students: EUR 1.000,-


Location Institute for Public Health Heidelberg
Anne-Kathrin Fabricius, M.A.
Assistant Short Courses Coordinator
Institute of Public Health, University of Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 365, D-69120 Heidelberg
Fon: + 49 - (0) 62 21 - 56 43 12
Fax: + 49 - (0) 62 21 - 56 49 18
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